Thursday, 17 September 2015



Candidly,I am still bemused with the proportion of invectives and mudslinging spilling out daily on Social Media concerning the appointment of Comrade Dantes as the SSA to Gov Okowa on New Media. The question I am asking again and again is: what for really?

I will not wish to hide my support for the proponents or pundits who submit often that Gov Ifeanyi Okowa SOLELY reserves the prerogative to appoint anybody whom he thinks can bring something extra and worthwhile into his Government. Afterall, as they say, it is a Government recognizable by his OWN name and ultimately, the bulk of the success cum failure and the praise/ blame will be his eventually. So then,why do some media folks arrogate unto themselves, the undeserving role of imperially dictating to a man who must bear the final brunt and responsibility for whatever fate that befalls his Government?

Now,in specific terms,I must say it categorically that I have no gross against Mr Godspower, the SA on Social Media to the Governor of Delta State. If really for anything,I celebrate him for all of his immense labours/contributions so far, towards the Okowability Mandate and success story. However, this is equally my honest advice to him: it's high time he told those online mercenaries using his name to wage an unwarranted warfare with Comrade Dantes to kindly withdraw their salvo and variously assorted online ballistic weapons.
The incontrovertible fact remains that ' we go work and even tire' because as it stands,the thematic areas of coverage in the Administration of Gov Okowa are quite enormous.

Talk about the gargantuan nature of activities around the office of the Governor,his Deputy,the SSG;that of the Commissioners,the various MDAs ,parastatals and extra Ministerial Bodies etc;indeed,so many to count!Imagine the scenario where each of us as a New Media stakeholder decides to cover the activities of any one of these,each of us will sure have enough publishable materials to occupy our time and yet have no time left to encroach into the domain of another.

Furthermore,may we begin to disabuse our minds that it is only when we cover the activities or events surrounding the itinerary/schedule of the Governor, that that is probably the ONLY time we are 'dutifully' working and covering the ACTUAL accomplishments and failures of this present Administration ;the obvious truth is that the REAL ASSESSMENT which is equally HOLISTIC is in covering the whole gamut of governmental structures over which Gov Okowa superintends as the Chief Executive of the State.

Finally,its my appeal that all online stakeholders be sober since the task ahead of us is,without an iota of doubt,enormous and requires some measure of sobriety. Rather than fight ourselves, let us turn the energy and the battle against our common enemies like the proponents and adherents of the Delta State APC who are nothing but unrepentant maestros of lies and deceit and for whom, the (impossible) downfall of our Principal, Gov Okowa is their bizarre mission and vision.

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