Saturday 24 August 2013

Traffic Offenders Will Be Punished – Hon. Pat. Onyesom (aka Last K)

The Iron Lady of Ika South Politics, Lay Patience Onyeson aka “Last K” is the member representing word six in the present transition committee in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State, and also the Chairman Sanitation Committee. In this exclusive interview with Nicholas Ebegboni she tells of her family background, how she got her nickname “Last K” which is popularly known with. She remarked that the Local Government also legislate on traffic laws which her committee is meant to enforce. The pro-active politician also speak on the need for the people as to obey traffic laws if we must develop as a people as she highlighted some of the achievement of the transition committee in Ika South Local Government Area under the leadership of Engr. Andrew Obiazi.


Madam , may we know your name?

I am Lady Patience Onyensom the Councilor representing ward six in Ika South transition Committee and also the Chairman Committee on Sanitation.

Tell us your family background

I was born into the family of Mr./Mrs. Onyensom in Aliagwa Ika South Local Government Area about 45years ago. I am the only child of my mother with over 18 children in a polygamous setting.

Educational Qualification

I attended Agbor Model Primary School, Fide Commercial Secondary School was where I did my post primary. I obtained my TC11 at Esigie Teacher Training College, Abudu in the then Bendel State. I bagged my National Certificate in Education (NCE) at College of Education Agbor.

My Bachelor Science Education was obtained at Delta State University.

How Did You Get Your Nickname?


I got my nickname in my N.C.E days then in School, I can spend my last kobo to make the next person happy. My joy was in making people around me happy even at my own detriment. I liked merriment because I think that life is too short for people to be sad so if I can make someone happy, I do not mind spending my last kobo to do so, that was how I got that nickname.

What is The Scope of Your Committee?

As Hon Patience Onyesom who is the Chairman Sanitation Committee in the present transition Committee in Ika South, it is needful for me to tell you that traffic laws are part of the bye-laws that the Local Government Legislate over and Agbor as a City cover from trunk. A to trunk C roads and as your abnegation keeps coming, there is this tendencies of having Cars jam packed, urbanization and people having no regard for basic traffic laws on how to park and where to park.

For example, as the daulization of Old Lagos/Asaba Road is in progress you see that there are some breakup point where turning can be made, you see some people even go to park at turning points and these are very dangerous to traffic and as Okada is still being used in Agbor, we discover that people park at random, they move at random which is a very bad thing. So coming up with a Sub-Committee to enforce the wrong parking, one way bye-laws is very essential. One for the safety of our people as the honorable member representing a Ward.

I am very particular about the people’s safety, and also to imbibe safety consciousness into the people, in our up coming generation, thirdly to tell defaulters they can not go scot-free, so if you default the wrong parking law or the double parking law there is a fine for it and these still are part of safety changing the culture of people not to disregard safety rules as well as generating revenue because if you think you can do any how and so three, when you behave any how the Local  Government can have money to develop the place. In developed world you are even booked for over spending you are booked for breaking traffic laws. In Abroad they don’t even ask you any thing, they just bring the ticket to your house and if you don’t pay, there is a fine for not paying when you are supposed to pay.

For us to develop as a people, we must develop our character first, for us to develop our character we must learn not to park, any how, we must learn not to turn where we are not supposed to turn, because you find some Okada men turning off from the express road just like that and it has killed a lot of people just two or three days back an Okada man finished a family and himself, by just turning at the road point, and theses are  what one honourable Onyesom wants to avoid. If you want your people to be alive you must make them obey rules, if you don’t obey rules, you either put yourself at risk or you put people at risk. Its very-very dangerous to the extent of death once it is to make people safety conscious and to teach the up-coming generation the way things should be done. Thirdly, to raise revenue when some pay fine,  next time he or she will know how to behave.

In some quarters, it is claimed that the government is supposed to provide parking space before raising the issue of wrong parking?

When you bought your car you did not take permission from the Government. The Executive Governor of Delta State, His Excellency Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduanghan has provided inter-city buses that are plying and if parking space is a problem every where in the world people pay for parking space, its like telling your landlord that you have hired his house and that he should provide a parking space. The car is for your convenience your convenience should not constitute nuisance  to the society and if you think that you don’t have a space to park, no where in the world that government provide parking space, government take park toll when you park you pay you have relation ship in London, America any part of the world. In Lagos or Warri you pay, some one else to park in his compound because you bought the car for your convenience.

His Excellency has made provision for taxis, inter-city buses and so if you use the inter-city buses they stop you at their bus stop and can go to where you are going to, if you must use your car you must know how to use it so that you don’t constitute problem to other people. If you must eat Egusi soup you should not use it to stain some people’s white shirt, government does not provide parking space any where in the world, they even take parking fee, parking toll, when you park you pay for parking there. Government has provided public transport and if you can not use it you pay any fine for parking wrongly. Good example is the Old Lagos Asaba road in Agbor there are intra street in Agbor where you can park your car  quietly and you want now to block the traffic why not treck to your office or you board the inter-city bus or keke, the Governor is providing. If you park wrongly you pay the fine for parking wrongly.

We don’t want people to pay fine, we want them to obey the law but when you can not obey the law you pay fine.

Can you say that the Ika South Transition Committee Under the Leadership of Engr. Andrew Obiazi has done well?

First of all I want to tell you that the Ika South Transition Committee is not up to 100 days in office or barely 100 days in office, remember that before the transition committee came, a lot have already been going on in the council because of salaries were owed, a lot of agitations were every where. There is quite some gap when the tenure of the local government chairman ended and the transition committee sworn-in and for people to know they must have comfortable place to work. If you go to Ika South Local Government Council you cant ask a man to perform well in an uncomfortable environment.

Even my office as the chairman committee on sanitation, has been renovated and I would also like to state that my committee is ranking first, bin boxes were provided all across Agbor metropolis and they are being evacuated as at when due with an interval of two days, cleanliness is next to Godliness, in coming close to Godliness the administration of Engr. Obiazi is doing well. A lot of roads have been graded in each of the communities and these roads are creating access, our people in the rural areas can bring out their farm produce in and out safely and smoothly. Moreover, harmony is being promoted, salaries paid as at when due and we are moving on.

In your capacity as the honorable member representing ward six, what have you been able to achieve?

In my capacity as the ward six councilor, I want to say that the ward is made up of people, I have done several empowerment, orphanage homes, widows and the less-privileged in my ward and even the physically challenged, in the little way I can, and through these empowerment I am reaching the lives of the people, because without the people there is no constituency, there is no ward.

Moreover the access roads leading to several communities in my ward have been graded. A borehole is being dug in Aliagwa in my constituency also and that is a sign of progress and more is being agitated for, you know we are not the only ward in Ika South.

We know your committee handles environmental clean up, what is your committee doing as regard to that?

Well, as regard to that, my committee will soon embark on house to house inspection, any house that is found wanting, the people living there will pay the penalty. There will be a mobile court that will try offenders.

Thank you Hon. Pat Onyesom for granting this interview and I am sure by the time we come up with our interaction, the people of your constituency and Ika South in general will be well informed.

Source: ikavoice news


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