Wednesday 21 August 2013

Neighbour Writes Letter Asking Woman To Kill Her 13-Year Old Grandson

A Canadian family is threatening to press charges after they received a shocking anonymous hate letter about their autistic teenage boy.

The letter, which left grandmother Brenda Milson “shaking” with anger, was delivered to her after she allowed her 13-year-old grandson Max Begley to play outside while he stayed with her over the summer holidays.

Just hours after Max returned indoors, Mrs Milson received an anonymous letter complaining that the “dreadful” noise he'd made “scared the hell out of my normal children”, and suggesting she euthanize him and “take whatever non-retarded body parts he possesses and donate it to science”.

The letter, which was anonymously signed “sincerely, one pissed off mother”, goes on to list the so-called “normal” sounds she tolerates in the neighbourhood; crying babies, music and barking dogs.
The writer then adds that the “noise polluting whaling [sic]” made by Max is a nuisance, and suggests Mrs Milson take him to the park “when you feel your idiot kid needs fresh air”.

The second paragraph of the letter delves into even darker territory, saying Max will always be a “hindrance” and that “no employer will hire him, no normal girl is going to marry/love him”. The author then makes repulsive comments about euthanizing Max and donating "any non retarded body parts" to science.

As the letter concludes, the author demands Mrs Milson “MOVE!!!! VAMOSE!!! SCRAM!!!!”, complains “hard working people” in the neighbourhood are being negatively affected by Max, who she compares to a “wild animal”.

The author also tells Mrs Milson to “go live in a trailer in the woods” if she doesn’t want to have Max euthanized.

Kara Begley, Max’s mother, asked Toronto’s City News “Who says that about a child?”. She went on to tearfully describe how progressive multiple sclerosis prevents her being able to keep Max entertained.
Since the letters were made public, a number of Mrs Milson’s neighbours have come forward to say they support Max's right to play outside. They are also reportedly attempting to hunt down the letter writer and make her name public.
Max’s family say that as soon as the identity of the letter writer is revealed, they intend to press charges.


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