Wednesday, 9 December 2015

HOW Nigeria And Biafra Can Successfully Function As Separate Nations

Editor’s note: Supporters of the Biafra issue hold regular marches several states in southern Nigeria, mainly inhabited by the Igbo ethnic group.
Protests have intensified in the past few weeks since Radio Biafra director Nnamdi Kanu was arrested.
Julie A Dyer on her Facebook page shares her views on how Nigeria and Biafra can successfully function as distinctively separate nations.

Biafra is different, separate and distinct from Nnamdi Kanu

It is wrong to think of Biafra as war. Biafra does not mean war or bloodshed. Biafra is different, separate and distinct from Nnamdi Kanu. While Biafra is simply a decision for self-determination, Nnamdi Kanu is a person. A person is a human being with rights that should be protected under human right laws. But that is a topic for another piece.
Once upon a time, there was USSR. USSR underwent a process called ‘perestroika’ (‘rearrangement’) which led to the break out of several countries like Ukraine and Lithuania.
There were other entities that existed up to 80ties that broke into the Czech Republic, Slovenia.

People must be allowed options they feel would work for them

The existence of Biafra does not mean other Nigerians will not be able to live or do business in the South East of Nigeria whose states make up Biafra.

It only means they will have their own government and determine their economic policies. They will still be part of ECOWAS! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
There is nothing treasonable about demanding for that or protesting for that within peaceful guidelines. It is actually a DEMOCRATIC demand. People must be allowed options they feel would work for them.
Not allowing that freedom to choose means you’re keeping them in bondage. Any group within its peaceful call for self-determination should be supported.

Their grievances should be noted and taken on board with intent to address it, where possible. If not possible, should be allowed go and achieve the status they desire. They should also be peaceably allowed to return if they change their mind, after all, there was once Germany; it became West Germany and East Germany. Today without much ado, Berlin Wall has been brought down and they are back to being

Who said Nigeria and Biafra cannot successfully function?

Black man arise, Black race, emancipate your mind from needless shackles! Our forefathers ran their affairs within hamlets, and clannish communities and they survived centuries and decades.

While the acquisition of foreign technology, knowledge in science and communication has improved our living standards and ability to preserve our history, we should be aware it is our prerogative to retain their imposed geographical boundaries or readjust them to suit us. It is just as simple as that.

Who said we can’t rise beyond the glass ceiling over our head? Who said we can’t break out and excel beyond the labels and prejudices? Who said Nigeria and Biafra (and any other fallout) cannot successfully function as distinctively separate nations with excellently cordial and enterprising relationship with each other? Who told you this? Who told you that?

Julie A Dyer
 The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of 12naija

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