Friday 9 October 2015




Our attention has been drawn to a publication in the press, promoted by some APC members, who are picking holes in the appointments made by the Executive Governor of Delta State, Senator (Dr.) Ifeanyi Okowa, and other sundry issues regarding his running of the state, since assumption of office.

The promoters of the publication negatively captured their misgivings in phrases such as: “Dr. Okowa is going ahead to reward his cronies with hundreds of appointments all in a bid to further plunder our common patrimony”, “A government that takes care of only civil servants and government political appointees”, “when the APC in Delta state campaigned vigorously for change, it was to correct these anomalies and redistribute the wealth of the Delta”, “tampered with the moral and economic fiber of the oil bearing communities, DESOPADEC’ etc.

We would not have elected to join issues with the promoters of the said publication if not for the fact that we appreciate the role of the opposition in keeping the ruling party on its toes. However opposition should be carried on with some level of decorum and deference for facts.

The DESOPADEC amendment law was duly passed by the Delta State House of Assembly. The restructuring of the law provided for a management team to see to the day-to-day running of the commission for efficiency. This feat, has been applauded by Deltans who see the measure as injecting a new lease of life into the Commission.

Only a fortnight ago, Senator Okowa swore-in the last batch of Commissioners; bringing the number of commissioners in the state to twenty-five. There are twenty-five local government areas in Delta state and each is represented in the State Executive Council, by one commissioner. That is how equitable Governor Okowa has been in the distribution of commissionership post; ditto other appointments.

It is instructive to note that politicians who had hoped to make the list of commissioners or other positions; on seeing the inauguration of the last batch of commissioners turned foes overnight.

Their resort to cheap blackmail under the guise of psuedo associations are nothing but expression of their aspiration to hold political positions in every government.
For the avoidance of doubt, Senator Okowa’s team is the leanest in the history of the state since 1999.

We think it is laughable for anybody to consider prioritising payment of salaries and emoluments of civil servants as well as settling contractual obligations as injudicious.

The accusation of over bloated appointment cannot arise as they have not been able to establish any overlap in the functions of the appointees. Neither has it become a crime to nominate persons with depth of knowledge and experience into positions. It would have been interesting to single out any of the appointees, who in the estimation of the opposition did not merit his or her assigned portfolio. That way, the intervention of the opposition would have been seen as positively shaping the political discourse.

In complete departure from the usual practice of winner-take-all, Senator Okowa has thrown his doors open to all Deltans. His gesture has offered a platform to anybody with useful initiatives on how to improve the fortunes of the state to come on board.

The resort to ethnic patriotism and the disparaging of the processes legally set aside for redress over election matters are not known to be acts that promote democracy.

If the electorates have made a choice in Senator Okowa, to lead them for the next four years, it is only proper that those who sought such mandate along with him and was rejected should respect the sensitivity of the electorates and allow the system to run unhindered.

At the risk of sounding repetitive, let me once again make clear to all that Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa is poised to remain focus on the effective implementation of the 'SMART AGENDA' and no amount of cheap and sponsored blackmail would distract him and his TEAM from delivering prosperity to all Deltans.



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