Thursday 12 January 2017

Randy Quaid pens open letter to Meryl Streep, says she's heartbroken because she failed

Actor Randy Quaid has performed in over 90 films and has been nominated for just about every prestigious film award under the sun. After Meryl Streep's Golden Globes speech about President-elect Donald Trump, Quaid penned an open letter to her on his Twitter account.
Although he “empathizes” with the actress' feelings over the lost election, Quaid wasn't willing to overlook the hypocrisy of her speech. His letter called out the “bullying” that occurs within their own industry:

“You stated in your speech that 'when the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.' You’ve got bullying galore going on right in front of you, but either you’re pointedly ignoring it or you just don’t have a clue.”
Streep recently acted in the film “Florence Foster Jenkins” with Hugh Grant, who, like Quaid, has had his own experience with “fake news” denigrating his character. Something Quaid claimed Streep knows nothing about. He added:
“How nice it must be not to have a breath of fake negative press ever written about you, or lies manufactured against you by dishonest media attacking your character, your spouse, and your career.”
Then, he detailed how he was “bullied” by the very people she praised in her speech. Quaid wrote that he: had his home stolen by a Warner Bros exec who used a forged deed was falsely arrested to cover up for an exec's crime had lucrative contracts cancelled over media lies and misrepresentations from “anonymous sources” Read the rest of the letter below:


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