Wednesday 13 January 2016

Delta To Set Up 776 SMSEs

AT least 776 trainees under Delta State’s Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP) and Youth Agricultural Entrepreneurs Programme (YAGEP) will be released into the world of business at a passing-out ceremony to be held tomorrow, at Songhai-Delta, Amukpe.

The event will climax a three-phase government-sponsored training programme comprising life skills and orientation course, vocational skills training and business and entrepreneurship training which commenced in August last year.

Prof. Eric Eboh, the Chief Job Creation Officer of the state, in a statement said that the final module is “to expose the trainees to basic business management techniques and practices that will make them successful entrepreneurs and business managers.”

According to him, “this last leg of the training programme” features courses on “how to start a business, how to run a business, how to grow a business, how to finance a business and how to market a business.”

Under STEP, unemployed youths undergo training in skills or trades, computer hardware maintenance and repairs; catering and confectionary; electrical installation and repairs; barbing; bead-making; cosmetology, decoration and event management; hair-dressing and makeover; fashion design and tailoring; tiling; block moulding; Plaster Of Paris (POP) and interlocking.

While under YAGEP, unemployed youths are trained and established in their choice agricultural enterprises such as poultry, piggery, fishery and crop production. The scope of training covers agricultural ‘subject-matter’ knowledge, enterprise management, leadership and life skills, group organization and group farming.

Christened YAGEPrenurs and STEPreneurs, the successful trainees are expected to be given Starter Packs by the governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, who will be on hand to witness the official passing-out ceremony. The passing-out activities began on Sunday, January 10, when the trainees converged at Songhai Delta for the last leg of their training in business management.
He explained that it was necessary to impart the trainees with this knowledge to “launch them into the entrepreneurial world, so that they can become successfully self-employed and contribute to the economy of the state.”

The Job and Wealth Creation Scheme is the centrepiece of the SMART agenda of the Okowa administration. The existing programmes under the scheme include the Youth Agricultural and Entrepreneurship Programme (YAGEP), Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Programme (STEP), Production and Processing Support Programme (PPSP) and Microcredit (administered by the Delta State Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency).


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