Thursday 17 December 2015

This Mom Gives Birth To A Baby Boy But When The Camera Zooms Out, I Can’t Believe It

Jason Larke’s wife was about to have a baby – it’s a time of celebration with love, hugs and kisses all around but there was one problem. Jason was 2,500 miles away.

Jason’s job meant that he was going to be away on site and that he would miss one of life’s most precious moments. But thanks to new technology, Jason was able to walk around the room, comfort his wife and be there for her, even though he was so far away. How’s that possible? Find out in the video below.

Some of us know what it’s like to have work commitments that keep us or a loved one miles away for weeks or months at a time. This new virtual reality technology has the power to change lives. We think it would be wonderful particularly for soldiers serving abroad to be able to witness precious moments at home like this.


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