Tuesday, 26 November 2013

How to Improve Your Sex Life

How to inprove ur sex life

If your sex life is not working the way you want it to, don't feel embarrassed or hopeless. There is plenty you could do to improve your love life and thus your relationship.

Talk about it with your partner. The simple act of talking could make it easier for both of you to initiate. At the very least, a conversation will show your partner that you care and that you want to improve things for mutual benefit.

Put sex on the calendar. If you find that you are not devoting time to this important aspect of your relationship, set up a schedule, if necessary. You may think that this is going too far, but if you are always "too busy", this is one way to nail down your priorities.

Take a vacation together, even a short weekend. The burden of daily life sometimes presents too many distractions or mundane jobs that often interfere with sexual relations. Your budget won't allow for travel? Take a vacation at home by shutting off the computer and cell phones.

Attend counseling sessions with a therapist. Emotional distress might cause the loss of libido, and you may feel that you need professional help. Many times stress will have a negative effect on the physical side of the relationship. Stress in the job or financial concerns lay heavily on the mind, and it effects the body itself.

Initiate sex with your partner. If you've been passive leading up to your intimate sessions, take the lead for a change.

Concentrate more on foreplay. Instead of rushing through things, take your time and enjoy the journey.

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