Tuesday 1 October 2013

Lay Down Your Weapons - ACF Calls Boko Haram

Lay Down Your Weapons - ACF Calls Boko HaramThe Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) has once again asked Boko Haram fighters to lay down their arms and embrace peace, saying that although the country was experiencing hard times, the situation was not bad enough for some people to lose the will to live in the mistaken belief that it is better to die but not alone.

This goodwill message has been prepared by ACF to mark the nation’s 53 Independence anniversary.

Mr. Anthony Sani, the National Publicity Secretary of the Forum, has signed the statement entitled “ACF rum felicitates with people and government of Nigeria over the occasion of the 53th Independence”, which read the following:

"Nigerians have reasons to celebrate because the independence gives freedom for Nigeria to take its destiny into its hands by determining the content, shape, direction and pace of its socio economic development needed for national solidarity and welfare of all.

There is no doubt that the nation is experiencing hard times. But Nigerians should not allow transient challenges to set their national agenda.

On the contrary, difficult times should bring about national grandeur, purposeful leadership and the best in every one. More so that no nation thrives on victory of its faction but through ultimate reconciliation which is not act of cowardice but of patriotic courage, and even heroism.

Building a country inhabited by people who are socially diverse, economically empowered and politically active demands consciously directed efforts to make what we desire as a collective possible and then actual.

One way of starting this journey is for Nigerians to make judicious use of their democratic rights and ensure that their votes count so that the emerging leaders would be accountable and make poverty history.

To that end, those who relish in employment of violence to solve their perceived concerns should have known by now that such approaches do not solve problems. And so, ACF urges them to lay down their arms and embrace civilized ways of doing things.

It may well be true that corruption has stolen the empowerment, the opportunity and the future of most Nigerians, which have made some people to lose the will to live in the mistaken belief that it is better to die but not alone.

But corruption can thrive only in a corrupt society which glorifies riches which sources are unknown. And so, it is not correct for some people to lose their will to live, worse by taking their lives and those of others along.

This is a wrong headed approach to solving problems. Surely, our problems are not beyond redemption. After all, adversity can be cathartic and constructive as well.

That is why ACF appeals to all Nigerians to use this occasion and resolve to live up the concept of a nation by coming together and unleash their synergy against our common challenges for public good.

This is because the task of overcoming national challenges is a collective responsibility and not for the government alone. In that way, we can make Nigeria feel young again with promise of glory days ahead."


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