Monday, 7 October 2013


" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to fold their arms, close their mouths and do nothing "John Mason. Any nation or people with prospects, dreams and targets cannot escape unfavourable circumstances as they sojourn. These circumstances could be socio-cultural, socio-economic or socio-political challenges that have the capacity to negate and redirect the people to a wrong position and further increase their sufferings. From all indication, it is the result of ineffective leadership and bad representation.

For example, students in tertiary institutions of learning have been at home for well over three months due to strike actions embarked upon by the academic Staff Union of Universities in the country. Yet, the government has remained unperturbed and insensitive to this societal ill and nobody is asking questions. Our religious leaders, royal fathers and non governmental organizations have gone to roost while the people they represent cry out every day because life has become unbearable.

Life is no longer fair because government isn't fair too. It will make no sense and amount to nothing when people shout to high heavens in their closets about how they are being ill governed by the government, only to have a sealed lips in the open where they should talk. I believe that, if any nation and its people are to overcome the challenges facing them, they must develop their own navigational system by intelligently opening their mouths to tell the government how they want to be governed.

Our religious leaders, for example, are supposed to be like the apostles but they are not helping matters. The apostles were men who were not known for their own policies, procedures, theories, or excuses but for their ACTS. In politics, the story is not different. It has become a situation where all the people's fundamental human RIGHTS become only an accumulated wrong. It has become a place where men must beg with bated breath for leave to subsist in their own land . How long shall we close our mouths and allow the government toss us around? We need a change of government.

We deserve good leadership where the leaders listen to the people they serve. The Guber 2015 is now around the corner and it will be another disaster and cumulation of errors if we, Deltans refuse to vote in listening leaders at various arms of government. A leader, who knows that as golden as silent is at times, it should not be mistaken for weakness , cowardice or consent to be ill governed.

A government under the leadership of a man who have the interest of the people at heart and who will always transcend personal comfort to make his people smile.
A leader who believes he's not a lone ranger but one that will always welcome opinions and suggestions from his subjects.

A leader who will creatively handle disappointments and see it as opportunity to maximize his potential and that of the people.

A leader who will not stop the people from airing or expressing their innate feelings through constructive criticisms but takes corrections from it. That is the kind of leadership Deltans want.

I am pleading with Deltans in every walks of life to be wise this time around to open their mouths and speak out on the kind of leader(s) they want to govern them, even as governor and go for him. The idea of shutting one's mouth simply because a token have exchanged hands or a few cups of Rice and Salt have been collected in exchange for our collective Destiny as a people should be done away with. That era should be allowed to remain in the past forever.

A closed mouth is truly a closed destiny. The clamour in every quarters for senator (Dr) Arthur Ifeanyi Okowa to serve as governor of Delta state come 2015 is an indication that Deltans are already waking up. He's a listening leader who have the interest of the people he serves paramount in his agenda.

I conclude by saying that Deltans will get it right if and only if they come out of their shells and be a part and parcel of the decision making body in scheme of things in Delta state. Accepting the errors of bad governance as our fate is a bigger error that should not be imbibed again. Let's speak OUT today.
GOD bless Delta state...

Source: Ika Weekly

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