Monday 24 April 2017

"Shame on you hypocrites" Bisi Alimi slams Nigerians for giving Richard Quest a hero's welcome to Nigeria

CNN's Richard Quest is in Nigeria for an interview with Segun Demuren to discuss the aviation sector and Nigerians gave him a hero's welcome.

Gay rights activist, Bisi Alimi, has weighed in the welcome Quest got, saying it is hypocritical for Nigerians to treat Richard Quest, an openly gay man, as a hero, whereas gay Nigerians get lynched and molested.
Alimi said the double standard displayed by Nigerians is a shame and for this reason, his heart bleeds for Nigeria and makes him cry for his LGBT brothers and sisters.

 He shared a photo with a text and added a caption to further buttress his point.

So I heard Richard Quest is in Nigeria and as usual, my people are drooling over him. These are the same Nigerians that will not allow an openly gay person on their screen, or even give one a job. What is different about Richard Quest that makes his homosexuality harmless but my homosexuality as a Nigeria scary and threatening? Is it that my people think my homosexuality is in some way earth destroying but that is Richard comforting or as a people we just lack pure emotional intelligence to appreciate our own? My heart bleeds for Nigeria, it does make me cry for my LGBT brothers and sisters.'' he wrote.


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