Monday 9 January 2017

Sokoto state government denies disbanding Sokoto Sharia police over seizure of musical instruments used at state governor's daughter's wedding

Last week,  the Sokoto Hisbah Commission which is the special police force that enforces Sharia practice in the North, seized the musical instruments used during the pre-wedding dinner of the daughter of Governor Aminu Waziri Tambuwal last December, for allegedly violating Shari'ah law being operated in the state.

There were reports online yesterday that the state government, in retaliation, has disbanded the Commission. The Secretary to the state government, Bashir Garba, has released a statement, denying the report. Read the statement below.

The attention of Sokoto State Government has been drawn to stories in the media to the effect that the State Hisbah Commission has been disbanded.
The Government wishes to clarify that the operations of the State Hisbah Commission, which is a creation of the law, has not been suspended. Similarly, it should be noted that the leadership of the Commission is still in place and have not been suspended from duty.
By the provisions of the law establishing the Hisbah Commission, only the State Governor has the right to remove any member of the Commission from his/her duty, which in this case, nothing of such has happened.
For the records, the Ministry of Religious Affairs held a meeting with the leadership of the three factions claiming authority over Hisbah Commission in the State. An agreement was reached to harmonise their operations for the benefit of the citizenry.
That process is still on, and further communication will be made after due consultations with relevant stakeholders.
We implore journalists to always cross-check all issues with designated authorities before proceeding to press.


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