Thursday, 5 January 2017

Photos: A great husband to my baby sister -Woman's touching tribute to brother-in-law who died in Reigner Church collapse

Fonny Micheal penned a touching tribute to her sister's husband Ernest Idem, who died in the tragic December 10 Reigners Church collapse in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. He wrote:

"Just 2 days ago, I called to thank you for being a great husband to my baby sister and a wonderful dad to ur kids(something i tell you quite often), we spoke again yesterday morning and you said we would talk later.
We didn't see this coming, nothing can describe the hurt and pain we feel in our souls on your loss, you were super excited about serving the Governor,you gave it your best-your life.

Last night i had lots of 'i wish he didnt...' on my mind but all that wont bring you back.
My Dad has lost a WONDERFUL son inlaw who was like his own son too, we have lost our most favourite inlaw and brother. My baby sister, i cant even imagine the thoughts on her mind right now...but you lived well, you were awesome and to say we will miss you greatly is just a gross understatement. 

I pray your death wont be in vain, i pray everyone responsible for that building collapse will be brought to book, i pray my people wont let religion turn them into callous idiots, i pray you get justice cos this was avoidable. Above all, I pray for strength for my baby sister Imaima and ur babies, and grace for the task ahead.

Rest in peace Ernest Idem, my brother, my inlaw, correct guy

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