Wherever you are, Christmas is a time for family and friends to come together. But have you ever wondered how countries around the world celebrate the festive season? From hiding your broom to eating fried chicken on Christmas Day, here’s10of our favourite Christmas traditions:
Czech Republic: Want to know if you’ll be married soon? Throw a
shoe over your shoulder on Christmas Day – if the toe points towards the door,
then you may be getting wed (according to superstition).
Philippines:A popular Christmas decoration is the paról –typically a bamboo pole or
frame built with a star lantern on the top. Designed to represent the star that
guided the Wise Men, it’s usually made from bamboo or paper.
Nigeria: Why have just turkey for
Christmas when you can have pounded yam, fried rice, jollof and more? In
Nigeria, a traditional meal can also be mutton, ram or even goat.
Norway:Make sure you hide your broom somewhere safe, as an oldNorwegian
tradition says that witches come out on Christmas Eve looking for brooms to
ride on.
Venezuela:Why walk to church when you can skate? With the streets of Caracas
closed off until 8am to traffic, this means people’s only mode of transport is
roller skating.
Montenegro:People tend to eat a special kind of round-shaped bread known as
cesnica, with each member of the family getting a piece. Whoever finds the coin
hidden in the middle is supposed to have luck over the coming year!
Ghana: While it’s a common Christmas tradition to trim a tree inside the
family home, Ghanaians will also decorate ones outside – with many found in church
grounds and courtyards.
Japan:Although Christmas is not a national holiday in Japan, it doesn’t stop
the Japanese from celebrating it with some fried chicken. KFC ran the first
Christmas campaign in Japan back in 1974, and since then, it has become something
of a Christmas tradition.
Ukraine:You’re not allowed to tuck into your Christmas meal in Kiev until the
first star is seen in the sky (with the star representing the Wise Men on their
journey to find baby Jesus).
10. Australia:It may be a white Christmas for the rest of the world but in
Australia, December falls in the middle of summer, with barbecues on the beach popular
on Boxing Day.
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