man murdered his three year old boy stepson, wrapped his body in a
blanket and dumped the body by the side of the Sena - Ayuthaya road,
Bangkok, Thailand, where a passersby found him being bitten by a water
monitor (a large carnivorous lizard)
The man identified as a 27-year old factory worker named only as
"Tong"said he did it because the boy would not stop crying and defecated
and urinated. He had hit the boy with a clothes hanger
until he was unconscious. Then he took the boy into a toilet and forced
water from a hose down his nostrils until he was dead. See his photos
here. Unable to save them: http://www.dailynews.co.th/crime/537328
All this happened while the boy's mother said she was cowering in fear
in the bedroom. When the stepfather told her that her son was dead they
wrapped him in a
blanket and travelled some way from their house and dumped him by the
side of the road.
A member of the public found the body on Thursday, November 17th,
being bitten by a water
monitor amid a pile of clothes between kilometer markers 19 and 20 on
the Sena - Ayuthaya Road. Police originally thought he may have died
from natural causes but later discovered that the stepfather killed him.
Many neighbors who had heard about the crime came out to shout
obscenities at him as he was escorted by uniformed and plain clothes
Sena police. Police are still investigating to determine whether to prosecute the mother.
Phee told the police that Tong often hit her son. On the day of the murder she had heard him beating her son and had
cowered in the bedroom in fear not daring to intervene. She didn't
believe that he would actually kill her son.
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