Monday, 30 June 2014

Help! Reader who bleached her skin needs urgent advice

Hello Emeh Please I need urgent help from your readers.2 years ago I got dumped by my boyfriend and he left me for a very fair girl.That affected my self esteem and I decided to bleach my dark skin .I was hoping he would come back to me but he never did..After using creams, I was advised to take bleaching injection to lighten me from inside.They say it won't make me have black knuckles.The lady who took me there used to be as dark as Lupita but looked like Beyonce. I was advised to take 2 shots .After that I became so light skinned but wanted to be lighter and ended up taking up to 6.Now I'm so light that my old school mates can't recognize me.They didn't tell me I have to keep maintaining it over the years ..

 When I got lighter, many men were chasing me and didn't know my yellow was bleaching yellow..Now, I met a man who I've been dating for 4 months and he really loves me and has proposed to marry me..

Just last week, he was telling me how he hates women who bleach and that his friend married a yellow lady only to discover their child was so black.He thought she cheated on him and almost divorced her till she confessed the child was so dark because that was her real colour..My family have advised me to tell him the truth now before he finds out later..I have deceived him for long because even when he asked for my throw back pictures, I photo-shopped them to look lighter ..

Please should I confess to him that I'm a bleacher or just let him marry me first ..

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