Thursday, 5 September 2013

Tone Down That Airconditioner


Air conditioning is becoming increasingly popular. They are on full blast in many homes and automobiles. It is also the first thing that greets you in the office, even before your co-workers say hello. In a tropical climate like ours, it is a cool alternative to fresh air. 

Although most people know what an air conditioner is, not all are sufficiently informed about how it affects their health. But physicians say many diseases are caused by a weather that is too cold.

If you are addicted to air conditioning, you may have to watch it, as experts warn that staying too long in a cold, air-conditioned environment may make you or those subjected to this temperature sick.

A physician at the Public Health Department of University of Wisconsin, United States of America, Dr. Tinsely Davis, describes prolonged daily exposure to air conditioner as an open invitation to diseases like rheumatism, cardiac arrest, pneumonia and arthritis; and, in severe cases, death from hypothermia.

Davis notes that sitting for long in an air conditioned room or an environment that is cold could lead to joint and muscle pains, which may result in rheumatic pain in the neck, back or legs in future.

She says, “Typical chronic rheumatic pains in joints or muscles become more intense if people stay a long time in a room with air conditioning. Therefore, if you get the chills quickly, you may want to avoid, as much as possible, being exposed to such cold temperature.”

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