Tuesday, 3 September 2013

"The Day I Wanted To Commit Suicide" - Popular Actor Reveals

If there’s one thing that sets actor, Jibola Daboh apart, it’s his characteristics grey beard, his trade mark all white dresses, and of course, his sugar daddy roles.
In a recent interview, the thespian who has logged over 30 years in acting opens up suicide attempt and his temptation from women.
Tell us about your journey into acting?
I really don’t know how I ventured into it. I grew up in acting. I’ve been acting even before I started my primary education. In secondary school, I created my first theater group. I’ve been around the world and I have been doing TV series even before TV series started in Nigeria because I was traveling abroad. I just grew into it. It all began when I was just a tot.
Was there a time you were at the crossroads and contemplated suicide?
Yeah…I wanted to run in front of a car at a point. I was homeless; I had nowhere to sleep. There was no food and I couldn’t steal so I just got tired of everything so I closed my eyes and tried to jump in front of a car and the guy who was at the wheels spat on me and said, ‘oloshi!’
What were you doing during that particular time?
I was looking for a job. I dropped out of secondary school because things were not happening so I said ‘let this thing just go!’At the time I was stuck. I left my village after I finished secondary school and came to earn a living but things just weren’t working out. That was when I took the decision to end it all. Eventually, things picked up a bit for my mum and I went back home and finished secondary school and then I started the second phase of my suffering. But at that time, I had a focus; I knew that I was going to be okay.
How do you handle the pressure from women?
I won’t call it pressure. I will call it temptation. There are plenty of temptations. Pressure comes every now and then but mostly, its temptation. No advice can help you with temptation; it’s just prayers. I am not really a prayerful person but I take my spirituality serious.
How do you handle these temptations?
It’s not an easy task but the question is, how many can you take? You cook a pot of soup, taste it and it taste good.
But do you keep it? 
I have seen women; beautiful women. I have been around and yet I am still single. I have been with them in the south, north, east and west. I have been with them from France to Brazil; I have seen beautiful Western women that could blow your mind away so you’ve got to tame your passions, sit down and just take things easy. My being here today is the blessing of God because I was lost but now I have been found. Now I’m a little more matured than I was when I was younger.

Source: The Sun

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