Sunday, 22 September 2013

SEX ADDICTION: You Won't Believe How Many Times This Woman Has Sex Every Day

25-year-old Terri Hunter has revealed that she needs to have sex up to 12 times and that her sexual addiction is out of control.

The young British woman, while insisting she is not a "slut" , admits she goes to the Internet for partners and agreeing to sleep with them no matter how ugly they turn out to be.

"That's another sad parts of this problem -- my desire for sex overrides any quality control issues,"  Ms. Hunter says. "It doesn't matter to me how it happens or what they look like and it's a bonus if they're well-endowed."

Terri, who struggles to maintain a relationship because of her addiction, became a slave to love at the age of 17, when she lost her virginity.

She recalled: "It was like someone had flipped a switch. From then I just developed an insatiable desire for sex. I've done it with hundreds and hundreds of men. I don't keep a tally because I'm not a slut -- I am just satisfying a need."

"Most people who know me think I'm really sweet and charming. I don't smoke, I hardly drink, I've never taken drugs, yet I've slept with nearly one thousand men. It's like having dry skin: You know you shouldn't scratch it, but when you do it just feels so good."

I think I need help.

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