Friday 20 September 2013

Nigeria’s Most Exclusive Club

 By Paul Chiama and Adah Abah

Different clubs have different criteria for admitting members. People belong to clubs either because they registered as members or because their parents, other family members, associates or acquaintances did on their behalf. Most clubs have age limits for membership. Not so in Nigeria’s most exclusive club because, at one time or the other, each member led the nation. They remain members for life. 

This very interesting club has as members former or serving military and civilian leaders – they were once heads of state or presidents. Though members of the same club, they are not truly together: they don’t have a lot of things in common.

The Club

Nigeria’s most exclusive club is made up of former presidents who are still alive. This club is considered “exclusive” because of the perks which come with it – palatial homes, huge pensions, far-reaching influence, almost constant visits to the Aso Villa, decisive decision-making, a near-eternal relevance (as far as they are still alive), a “life membership” status, social appeal and many others. It is understandable why many are angling to get into this club through any means they can.

These men, as surprising as it may seem, are still having a huge hold on the nation, because they sit on the National Council of State to make far-reaching decisions which, many a time, are perceived by onlookers to be those of the president.

Sadly, they rarely agree on a particular course of action. This is the reason, perhaps, why our nation has found itself at a crossroads as far as education, security, economy, commerce and other sectors are concerned.

What our nation stands to achieve and its position in the comity of nations can only be imagined if the men of this club could agree and become the very proverbial “good heads”.
For all its 53 years of Nigeria’s nationhood, this club has just eight members with no leader, not because an election that would have made any one of them the leader was conducted or rigged, but because they are all “big boys” and have no need for leadership.  

These members include General Yakubu “Jack” Dan-Yumma Gowon (rtd), General Olusegun Matthew Aremu Obasanjo (rtd), Shehu Usman Aliyu Shagari, and Major General Muhammadu Buhari (rtd). Others are General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (rtd), Chief Ernest Adegunle Oladeinde Shonekan, General Abdulsalami Alhaji Abubakar (rtd) and Dr Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan.

It is important to note here that while some became members either because there was a coup d’etat, others became members via elections or because their principals died while ruling the nation. Obasanjo, who ruled the nation on two different occasions, has a record to be proud of as he is both a military and civilian member.


A much-respected gentleman, Gowon ruled the nation for nine years. He is the youngest head of state ever to rule Nigeria to date. He became a member of the club in 1966 when he came to power on the crest of the “anger years” that had seen the murder of his two predecessors in office. Gowon has the record of being the oldest member of the club, not because he is older than his mates but because he served the nation before them.

His natural ability as a bridge builder not only on land but among people has made him a voice in the nation. He has, severally, formed part of the most formidable leaders of the country. Gowon has a good relationship with most members of the club. He appears not to be in good terms with Obasanjo, maybe because he sees Obasanjo as disrespectful and for being part of the group that ousted him. Obasanjo once asked him what he forgot at the State House when he briefly ran for president.


Until his second coming, he was one of the most respected people in Nigeria, as he was the first military head of state to transfer power peacefully to a civilian regime in Nigeria. A man of many controversies, Obasanjo has the unbeaten record of being at loggerheads with almost all the members of the club.
Though he has the longest reign as a leader, members of the club merely tolerate him. Obasanjo is not in good terms with almost all other members and each of them has, at one time or the other, been subjected to his caustic remarks.


Very respected in the nation, he became a member of the club in 1979 when he was elected as the first executive president of Nigeria. “One Nation, One Destiny” was the mantra of his party, the National Party of Nigeria (NPN). The party best represented Nigeria’s diversity.

Shagari is at peace with all members of the club except Buhari, who toppled his government. He made housing, industries, transportation and agriculture the major goals of his administration. Prominent politicians hovered like a cloud on his projects. In transportation, he launched road networks across the country. He also initiated a programme to foster the use of machinery in farming. It favoured large-scale farmers in order to produce mass products. However, it was hampered by the prevalence of retired military officers, who had acquired land as parting gift under the previous administration. Shagari was overthrown by General Muhammadu Buhari on New Year’s Eve – December 31, 1983.


A dependable leader and distinguished gentleman, Buhari got registered in Nigeria’s most exclusive club on December 31, 1983, and has since defined what a good leader should be. His fight against corruption won the hearts of the Nigerian masses, but the political class is not at peace with him.

One thing that stands him out is his consistency in fighting for the masses. Though he ruled as a military man, his programmes were accommodating. He may not have been in good terms with IBB, but they are trying to mend fences in their relationship..


The only Nigerian military president, Babangida was admitted into the club on August 27, 1985. He changed the political scope of the nation by making everyone part of the process. Although he ran a military government, his government appeared to be consultative: issues were subjected to public debate. Babangida kicked off what was intended to be a national debate on the political way forward for Nigeria.
He is a force to reckon with in the political history of the nation. IBB and Abdulsalami are like brothers, they have mutual respect for each other.


A complete gentleman, he became a member when he was appointed interim head of state of Nigeria by General Ibrahim Babangida on August 26, 1993. Though a member who served for a few days (72) in office, he tried to create a new timetable for the nation’s return to democracy. Shonekan’s administration introduced a bill to repeal three major draconian decrees of the military government.
Nigeria had been ruled by military leaders since Muhammadu Buhari seized power from Shehu Shagari in a 1983 coup. Although democratic elections had been held in 1993, they were annulled by General Ibrahim Babangida.


Abdulsalami Abubakar was sworn in as president on June 9, 1998, after the unexpected death of the head of state, Gen. Sani Abacha. He declared a weeklong period of national mourning. Reported to have been initially reluctant to accept the position, Abdulsalami is one man that politicians are rightly proud of. He has given the nation an uninterrupted civilian dispensation. A few days after assuming office, Abdulsalami promised to hold elections within a year and transfer power to an elected president. He established the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), appointing former Supreme Court justice Ephraim Akpata as chairman. The INEC held a series of elections first for local government areas in December 1998, then for state assemblies and governors, National Assembly and finally for the president on February 27, 1999. Although efforts were made to ensure that the elections were free and fair, there were widespread irregularities that drew criticism from foreign observers.

Surprising some critics of the country’s military, Abdulsalami kept his word and transferred power to an elected president Obasanjo on May 29, 1999. Under him, Nigeria adopted its new constitution on May 5, 1999, which went into effect when Obasanjo became president.


The latest entrant into the club, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, joined the train on May 6, 2010, becoming Nigeria’s 14th head of state. He is the man of the moment but, instead of listening to those who were there before him, he has issues with most of them.

Jonathan has an “outstanding record” of not keeping promises. He came with a promise of “fresh air” to truly transform the nation, but what is on ground is a far cry from that. This has however made other members of the club see him as unserious.


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