Sunday, 15 September 2013

Introducing Brown Button’s Sterilised Mother’s Delivery Kit

As part of efforts to drastically reduce the high rate of maternal and child mortality in Nigeria, here’s introducing everyone to Brown Button Foundation’s sterilised Mother’s Delivery Kit, for expecting mothers, hospitals, birth attendants and pharmacies. This kit is developed by the social enterprise arm/Medical team of Brown Button Foundation and come in two variants, the regular pack and the combo pack. See them after the cut...

The Regular pack contains:                                          While the Combo pack contains                               
1 absorbent delivery mat                                             2 absorbent delivery mat
5 pieces of maternity pad                                             10 pieces of Maternity pads
1 mackintosh mat                                                            1 bottle of Savlon disinfectant
2 sterile gloves                                                                  2 sterile gloves
 2 cord clamps                                                                    2 cord clamps
1 antiseptic soap                                                              1 antiseptic soap 
1 mucus extractor                                                            1 mucus extractor
1 sterilized scalpel blade                                               1 sterilized scalpel blade
 5 pieces of gauze                                                            5 pieces of gauze 
1 methylated spirit                                                          1 methylated spirit
Cotton wool                                                                       Cotton wool
The kits which are extremely affordable, contain best brands and are developed based on Brown Button’s core beliefs that:
·         The location of a woman at childbirth should never be a predominant factor in determining whether she lives or dies
·         No woman or child should die at childbirth
Brown Button Foundation, a 2013 United Nations’ World Summit Youth Award shortlist as well as a 2011 Echoing Green Award Semi finalist, has been working in the field of Maternal and Child Health since 2011 with a focus on providing simple life saving solutions that can easily be owned and sustained by the populace themselves. They train traditional and skilled birth attendants and continue to work with individuals, organisations and government at different levels to promote maternal and child health.
 In 2012, Brown Button Foundation visited Zamfara State and met a newborn who had been infected with tetanus as a result of a rusted razor blade used to cut his umbilical cord. Since 2011, the organisation has realised that a need exist for not only skilled health care workers and facilities but also life saving supplies at the most affordable cost. With these kits, they believe that the dream of a clean, healthy and safe birth place minimizing the risk of infection can come true.
While they have some distributors covering specific locations for the sales of the kits, they are open to getting many more distributors across Nigeria to help them connect the woman in need to the life saving supplies she needs.
You can pick up the kits by contacting any of our current distributors by following this link
However, if you will like to be a distributor or your area is not covered yet, kindly email or call Brown Button on +2348033797112
Check out the general activities of Brown Button Foundation’s activities on
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