Thursday 26 September 2013

For Married Couples -7 Reasons You Should Be Having More s*x!!!

Good news! s*x doesn’t just feel great, it’s also good for you. As if you needed an excuse, here are seven healthy reasons to grab your wife or husby and head for the

1. s*x Reduces Stress
Feeling stressed? Some s*xual healing may be just the relief you crave. According to a study conducted in 2006, when subjects had s*x, their blood pressure reacted less to stressful activities (public speaking and mental arithmetic) than when they engaged in other s*xual activities or none at all.
Among the possible reasons: “It’s a pleasurable, enjoyable activity and many people sleep better after s*x,” says a professor of human se*uality and family relations.

2. s*x Burns Calories
Okay, we can’t claim that s*x exercise burns as many calories as running or an aerobics class, but getting between the sheets for an hour will burn about 275 calories (for a 150-pound person). Now, don’t expect it to affect the scale that much—you need to
burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound. But every little bit helps; and it’s a heck of a lot more fun that sit-ups. Additionally, when you’re physically active during s*x, your cells, muscles and organs are getting fresh oxygen, which is good for your body.

3. Orgasms Can Help Reduce Pain
If you’re thinking of laying on that old excuse, “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache,” maybe you should reconsider. In her latest book, The Science of climax,
co-author Beverly Whipple, explains that at climax, the “love hormone” oxytocin surges and there is a marked reduction in sensitivity to pain, to about half that of the resting level. And although relief of migraine
through climax is less reliable and effective than relief through prescription drugs, the analgesic effect is more rapid.

That said, any effects would be limited, cautions Milhausen. “During the time of climax and directly thereafter, it can increase your tolerance to pain, but it’s not a long-term solution. You can’t run a marathon and avoid pain because you had s*x hours before the race.”

4. s*x Can Boost Your Immunity
People who have s*x once or twice a week had higher immunoglobulin (an antibody that fights against diseases) readings than those who had s*x less than once a week or not at all. They also had higher measurements, however, than those who had s*x three or more times a week.

5. s*x Can Make You Look Younger
Forget lotions and potions. The secret to the fountain of youth lies between your thighs. Men and women who reported having s*x an average of four times a week looked approximately 10 years younger than they really were. Hormones such as the growth hormone are partially behind the effect. However, casual s*x with multiple partners
may be stressful and lead to premature aging.

6. s*x Can Help Lower Men’s Risk of Prostate Cancer
In 2003, a research team led by professor Graham Giles, director of the Epidemiology Centre at the Cancer Council Victoria in Australia found that the more frequently men between the ages of 20 and 50 release, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer. Men in their 20s who ejaculated on average seven times a week or more were one-third less likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer when compared with men who ejaculated less than three
times a week at this age. One possible reason may be that frequent ejaculation prevents carcinogens from building up in the prostatic ducts.

7. s*x Can Strengthen Your Relationship
Maybe s*x can’t fix everything, but the oxytocin released during climax brings about pair bonding, s*xual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction are inter connected. “If things are going really well for you in the bedroom, that will likely filter into other areas of your relationship. Couples in good marriages are healthier than their unattached peers. They live longer, and good relationships buffer them against a variety of illnesses.


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