Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Judge Orders Mom To Change Name Of Child From Messiah

A Tennessee judge has ordered a baby's first name changed from "Messiah" to Martin, saying that the only true messiah is Jesus Christ, a ruling the boy's mother promises to appeal, a Tennessee television station has reported.

"The word 'messiah' is a title, and it's a title that has only been earned by one person, and that one person is Jesus Christ. And the child would likely struggle with his given first name because he lives in Cocke County, a predominantly Christian area in eastern Tennessee", the Judge said.

The baby's mother Jaleesa Martin said she would appeal against the judge's order.

"I didn't think a judge could change my baby's name because of her religious beliefs," she said.

According to her, she chose the name because she liked how it sounded with her two other children's names, Micah and Mason and not because of its religious beliefs.

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