Friday, 30 August 2013

DPP Propaganda and Ogboru’s masquerade as symbol of Urhobo nationalism: role of Urhobo press


Author: By Maxwell Okirikpo
When chief Great Ogboru came into Delta politics in 2003, he rode on the image of a hero who attempted to free southern Nigeria, from what was then perceived as dominion and exploitation by a supposed northern oligarchy. This image of a ‘freedom fighter’ stemmed from the myth created about him, as the inspiration behind the abortive military putsch of 1990. 

The question today is what has become of our fate since the political dethronement of the oligarchy in 1999? The regrettable answer to this question reveals Ogboru’s ideological failure and naivety in 1990; as he erroneously assumed the political interest of all southern nationalities to be synonymous. Ogboru thus equated the strategic interest of Urhobo to those of other southern nationality then. However, the events since the 1999 ceding of power to the south has clearly invalidated that assumption. For example, while southern nationalities such as the Yorubas, the Ijaws and Itsekiris amongst others; have since gained political advancement in this new epoch, the fate of Urhobo still hangs in balance.   

 And the Urhobo Press, at its inception, failed to critically look at and present the objective perspective of Urhobo interest in that misadventure of 1990. They thus lent themselves as vehicle of the propaganda that created a heroic image for Ogboru in the eyes of many Urhobo people in 2003.

The groundswell of this propaganda, facilitated by sections of the Urhobo Press especially, railroaded many Urhobo people to vote for Ogboru in 2003, on the platform of the Alliance for Democracy (AD).  It was thereafter seized upon by the DPP; again with the active encouragement of the Urhobo press.  For example, before any judgment in the series of electoral litigations involving Ogboru, our people are severally inundated and deceived by widespread report of certain victory.  And at the end of the day, such reports have always turned out to be mere hoax. Here lies the strategy that has been used to sustain Ogboru’s uncritical support base; among an otherwise disillusioned Urhobo people so one, not even the most gullible of this strategy that sustains a state of illusionary expectation, should again be deceived by Ogboru’s recently reported returned to court, over an electoral litigation which every one thought had run its conclusive course. Now senatorial by-election are around the corner they are only resorting to this worn out strategy, by dangling the illusion of gubernatorial expectations; to rally support among already disillusioned supporters. Nevertheless, since propaganda is a legitimate instrument of politics, to that extent, must we concede that the DPP has excelled in its use. 

What is unacceptable however, is the height of recklessness and absurdity to which the Democratic People’s Party, DPP, has further taken this Ogboru propaganda enterprise;  in addition to the usual winning of court cases on pages of Urhobo newspapers even before actual judgments are pronounced. The result of all this is that, our people are being misled to see Ogboru, not just as a symbol of Urhobo political heritage, but as the totem of Urhobo nationalism as a whole. It is even to the ridiculous extent that, any Urhobo who differs on Ogboru’s gubernatorial ambition or nurses a similar ambition is branded an anti-Urhobo; even in their party. And this was how demagogues in that party, not only called the late Senator Ewherido a traitor, but went as far as invoking curses on him in the name of Urhobo ancestry, for a perceived democratic ambition.

A measure of the great success of this misleading propaganda is that even some Urhobo elites, who are supposed to be more discerning, have become victims themselves also. A particularly regrettable case appears to be that of the versatile Urhobo writer Miss Annabel Ogheneganre, who has won the admiration of many in her recent media outings. On page 5 of the Urhobo times of July 25, 2013, she wrote that “DPP as it stands today is divided…” and that “let UPU as I have said over and over take the challenge of making peace between the factions”. There can be no clearer statement on the masquerade of Ogboru and the DPP as Urhobo political symbol and party respectively. Why has UPU not been called upon to intervene in the internal crisis of other political parties such as the PDP, ACN and LP?

So, if an Urhobo elite, who features regularly in the Urhobo press, particularly in the Urhobo times, might herself be a victim of such partisan propaganda, one would appreciate the urgent imperative of its deconstruction. Therefore, in the present political wilderness which Urhobo finds herself today, the danger of continuing in this misleading partisan usurpation of our collective political heritage cannot be over emphasized.

In deconstructing the Ogboru/DPP propaganda strategy, let us examine its usual demonization of the PDP and attendant sanctification of the DPP as a case study. This demonization for example, aptly finds characteristic expression in the conspiracy theories that have continued to trail the sad death of Senator Ewerido. A particular version of this theory, contained in Miss Ogheneganre’s same article on 25th July, Urhobo Times, insinuated the late senator’s death as the result of “designs of some PDP hawks and demons in Delta State”. She went on to say that because of this, the PDP would be in trouble in the coming election.
Firstly, let us not conveniently forget that majority of DPP members were former PDP people, who crossed over to seek political actualization as a result of perceived marginalization, in their former party. Does the cloak now make the monk? In SHIBUMI, Trevanian wrote that “when cultures crossbreed, the dominant and base values prevail” perhaps, this explains why observers have wondered whether a DPP in power would not have resulted in political dictatorship and intolerance in Delta State. 

What about those DPP House of Assembly members, who rode to office on the bandwagon of the Ogboru/DPP propaganda, only to have reassumed PDP membership today? Where lies the so-called Urhobo cause? 

Now we are all witnesses to a new height of their propaganda, as the sad death of Senator Ewherido, even before his burial, was turned into a tool of election campaign; using the same section of the Urhobo press as vehicle. Hence, the emergence of conspiracy theories, that insinuate PDP as the architect of his death.  It therefore becomes necessary to subject these conspiracy theories that raise more questions than answers, to a test of logic. This is so that, in the trauma of the senator’s death, our people would not fall for opportunistic partisan antics that seek to turn an Urhobo tragedy into a campaign issue. Let it be hastily stated however, that in our peculiar spiritual environment, it is possible that his death might not have been natural after all. 

It is also important to note that the late senator was an original PDP member, for which speculated governorship ambition; several PDP members had vowed to throw away partisan consideration and work to actualize. Secondly and more instructive, under the PDP umbrella presently, are different gubernatorial camps plotting for the party’s 2015 ticket, as is typical of every party; in the build-up to their primary elections. So, which of these camps that have not even secured their party’s ticket would begin to focus with such devilish intent, on an even speculated opposition candidate?   How can a party that has not yet come under the umbrella of one candidate, focus on a merely anticipated   common opponent; in an election that is over two years away? Again we have a sitting PDP Governor who is completing his constitutionally circumscribed two-term tenure in 2015. 

So what would be the basis of the personal desperation that could inspire such extremism? However, if such a conspiracy theory had pointed at specific individuals in the PDP, who were in contention with the late senator for his senatorial seat, as a more widespread version does, then perhaps it could have passed the test of logic.   Only God can tell; because there is so much evil in the world today. To insinuate an entire political party however, is the height of illogicality.

As with the logic of police investigations, the prime suspects in a murder case, are usually those having issues of conflict with the diseased. And everyone is aware of the deep seated enmity in some quarters of the DPP against the late senator. This is even to the extent that some persons were no longer on speaking terms; not to talk of curses being invoked on him. Why then are there no conspiracy theories pointing in this most logical direction? What of those in his party whose gubernatorial ambitions felt threatened by his own? Whatever be the true situation however, the wicked shall not go unpunished; as God says. The point here is that Annabel’s conspiracy theory version, that seek to stigmatize the entire PDP as a party, fails the test of logic. This failure is characteristics of DPP demonization of the PDP in most cases.     

The danger in this untenable superimposition of Ogboru as symbol of Urhobo nationalism,   by the propaganda machinery of DPP, with tactless support of some sections of Urhobo press, cannot be over emphasized. For example, it is capable of aggravating the already painful marginalization of Urhobo in Nigerian government and politics; with an additional crisis of awkward partisan identity and isolation that afflicts DPP today.

It is a great insult to reduce the whole historic heritage, of an entire ethnic nationality as Urhobo, to the narrow interest of an individual’s political ambition. Nationalities where certain individuals symbolize their political heritage are usually those with indigenous and home grown political parties; and such individuals emerge from the evolutionary process of leadership in these parties.  This explains the generational emergence of a series of leaders from the late Obafemi Awolowo to the present day Bola Tinubu, who can be described as political symbols of the Yoruba nation. Their parties over time, from the Action Group (AG), to the Unity Party, of Nigeria (UPN) and from AD to ACN were not only home-grown, but essentially the same; revolving around a clear political lineage. This same history is replicated in the east and north also. The South African experience is another illustration of individuals who became symbols of their nationalism; on the platform of the indigenous parties, in this case, the African National Congress (ANC). 

How then can a man who contested on the platform of a South-West regional party, AD, in 2003, against a fellow Urhobo man, who ran on the ticket of the then Urhobo preferred party, the PDP, be propagated as symbol of Urhobo nationalism? Was it not the same Ogboru who went ahead to contest and bitterly fought against Chief James Ibori in 2003; even when the UPU, under the leadership of late Chief Benjamin Okumagba, had endorsed the latter? Where then is the Urhobo spirit in Ogboru? Again, was he accused of being anti-Urhobo by the PDP then? Or did the PDP parade Ibori as the symbol of Urhobo nationalism on account of the UPU endorsement?

So, it is not only misleading, but fraudulent to misconstrue the circumstantial support of UPU in 2011 governorship elections, as making Ogboru the symbol of Urhobo political heritage. The DPP should know that he was an Urhobo man contesting elections at a time Urhobo marginalization had reached desperate proportions. They should also know that to the Urhobo nation, 2011 was a decisive culmination of the rage that trailed former Governor James Ibori’s installation of his brother as Governor in 2007. The Urhobo resolve was further fueled by a collective feeling of deliberate political persecution by Itsekiri governorship. So, it was like a feud against sectional political persecution.

In all these propaganda that DPP had relied upon to deceive the Urhobo people all along, the complicity of sections of Urhobo press cannot be overlooked.   Their lack of circumspection, constantly fed by the propaganda machinery of the DPP, resulted in this media creation; that has continued to distract the Urhobo nation. 

Now that the time has come for Urhobo to move on from the propagandist appropriation of our collective political heritage, the Urhobo press must be in the Vanguard of the new struggle for true Urhobo political resurgence. This process must begin with the deconstruction of the erroneous dogma of Ogboru’s symbolism of Urhobo nationalism; built on partisan propaganda.  The said section of Urhobo press must shed their seeming toga of partisanship and lead the way in ensuring balanced enlightenment and political education, if they hope to continue enjoying public confidence. In their reporting, they should be strictly guided by their professional ethics, restrict themselves to objective presentations of facts; leaving the people to conclude.
However, it will appear that the natural course of political events in Nigeria has already relieved us of this deconstruction task, as evidenced by a recent declaration of the DPP national chairman, Gen. Jeremiah Useni, in Abuja of a portended alliance with the PDP. So, while the soul of the DPP has gone to APC with the late senator Ewherido, leaving its skeletal remains which seem fated to the PDP; with the Ghost slated for final rites.  

A particular weakness that must be addressed by this section of Urhobo press is the absence of editorial columns, which would represent the paper’s corporate positions & objective analysis of issues affecting Urhobo; as different from an almost exclusive coverage of views, expressed by particular partisan interests. And this is the surest way of dispelling the impression of partisanship. Then there would be no need for the excuse that they only publish materials received.


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