Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Cultism: Alvan Ikoku Student Murdered In FMC, Owerri [GRAPHIC PHOTOS]

A student of the Alvan Ikoku Federal University of Education; AIFUE, was sent to an early grave today by some yet to be identified cultists

The Victim, was chased all the way from the school premises as he ran for his dear life out and into the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Owerri. The assailants, out for blood pursued him till they overtook him inside FMC, and murdered him.

This is yet another cult war in the already restive city of Owerri, as its been reported already that three students have already been killed in the ongoing cult fracas, One shot dead at the school refectory and another in the hostel and the dead at some location inside the school.

The school hostel has already been deserted as no one wants to be a scape goat.

Source: http://vibesngists.blogspot. com/2015/08/alvan-ikoku-student-murdered-in-owerri.html?m=1

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