Saturday 31 October 2015

Se x And Love: 6 things every woman should know about men and se x etiquette

There is this unspoken but common behaviour where women stay subdued and reactive in the bedroom, leaving the man to call all the shots – when to have se x, where to have se x and how to have se x...

Too many people have too many wrong perceptions about attraction and se x…

In a man-woman relationship, there is this tendency, usually on the female part, to let the other person take over…including in the bedroom

Especially among African (Nigerian) women, there is this unspoken but common behaviour where women stay subdued and reactive in the bedroom, leaving the man to call all the shots – when to have se x, where to have se x and how to have se x.

It is even gets worse… many women will not say anything about their desires, fantasies and preferences in the bedroom.

The result of this is that most women get far less than they deserve from se x, cheated out by themselves and their selfish men.

So, to end this trend, Wha’anda brings you 6 se x etiquettes that will make se x more rewarding, participatory and complete for couples.

Here we go…

1. When men are aro used, they hardly notice your flaws – many women are too body conscious. They hold back when having se x because they think the man is focused on their body flaws. But the truth is that, during se xual aro usal, neurochemical rush men feel so grips the man that he is too ‘high’ to see all those inconsequential flaws. So loosen up and enjoy the experience…

2. Se x can sometimes be painful – it is not every time that you feel pain during se x that something is terribly wrong. Sometimes, it just might be inadequate lub rication, dryness in the vag ina or you’re mentally not ready. If the pain is regular, then you might need to see a doctor.

3. During se x, a man’s body is more than his pe nis – many women find it hard to completely ar ouse their men because they focus only on his pe nis, thinking that is where it all begins and ends. This is wrong, touch his other parts like his lips, neck, ear lobes, chest, back, nape, inner thighs and groin. All these parts should be touched and loved…

4. Men love women who take charge in the bedroom – yes, men love to be the bosses. But men also like women who are proactive more than those who let them doing all the initiating. As a woman, it is a turn on to do things to him, show him you want, whisper in his ear, demonstrate and juts take charge…

5. It is normal to want more and more se x – the truth is that se x is addictive, such that the more you have it the more you’ll want it. This doesn’t make you abnormal because se xual urge is normal. So just enjoy it and don’t allow misplaced guilt to spoil the moment…

6. Touching yourself during se x us okay – many women believe that touching themselves during se x is a sign of being ‘bad’ and so they resist the urge. But many men find it a major turn-on when the woman touches herself during se x. So doing it will help you find release and help your man get even more aro used…

In addition to the above, it is advisable that you make sure you are mentally and physically ready to have se x before you get into the bedroom so that you don’t end up being mechanical.

If you can, first take some time out for yourself to clear your head and get off the edge from the day's stress.

You could have a quick shower and rest a little before the action….


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