Saturday, 21 December 2013

Van Damme Vs. Chuck Norris: The Epic Split (VIDEOS)

Van damme

They’re both retired action heroes, famous for their martial arts fighting skills.

But it seems Jean-Claude Van Damme, 53, will be peeved to discover that his older rival Chuck Norris, 73, has out-split him in a new elaborate stunt. Chuck has parodied Jean Claude’s November advert for Volvo which showed the muscles from Brussels performing the splits between two trucks.  

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Starring in a viral video inspired by his fellow action star’s epic Volvo commercial, Norris has recreated Van Damme’s feat doing the splits between two jets while balancing a human Christmas tree of 11 tactical airborne comrades on his shoulders.


Jean-Claude Van Damme in epic Volvo commercial:  

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