Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Kardashian Christmas Card: A closer look at the naked art, Kanye in thorns & illuminati signs

The Kardashian Christmas card got everyone talking. That's what they know how to do best(make people talk).However, recent images which make up the Christmas card are a bit disturbing..considering Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth.There are lots of symbols,Illuminati signs and a dark tone to it which makes many wonder if its just for show or if they are paying homage to the dark world..
The photographer who shot this is Kanye West's favorite photographic auteur, David LaChapelle, so the card looks like what Kanye would want considering the similarities with most of his controversial artworks..
He is even featured inthe card on a rolling stone magazine cover..He may not exert much influence in the streets but he sure does in the Kardashian clan
See the images below:

The usual Kardashian Christmas card 2012

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