Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Ever Wondered What Happens to Your Body When You Eat an Avocado a Day?
You’ve probably heard the adage “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” While it’s true that apples are extraordinarily good for you, what you really should be eating every day is an avocado.
This wonder fruit is so full of health benefits that you will be amazed why you’ve never made eating them a regular habit and if you are concerned about weight loss and keeping your metabolism high, the avocado can help in some very surprising ways. Here is what happens to your metabolism when you start a regular diet of avocados.
Your Liver Produces More Glutathione
If you eat an avocado a day, your liver will produce more of the antioxidant Glutathione, which is the number one antioxidant, but how it helps your metabolism is that it also contains magnesium which is a key factor in more than 300 metabolic processes.
You Get Monounsaturated Fats
Avocados are terrific because they provide you with more than 100 calories of monounsaturate oleic acid, and those fats are used as slow burning energy which helps your metabolism. When you take in saturated fat, you don’t get any benefit because they are unlikely to be used to burn for energy and are stored instead.
You Get Omega-9 Fatty Acids
Even though an avocado has about 160 calories, they also contain omega-9 fats. In fact, avocados are one of the best sources on the planet for these fats, and they have been studies extensively over the past decade or so.
These omega-9 fatty acids have been shown in studies to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol, while raising the levels of HDL, which is the good cholesterol. Also, omega-9 fats are good at absorbing vitamins and antioxidants from the foods that contain them so you get those as well.
You Get Satisfied
Besides the other benefits that have been discussed so far, avocados can also help you with controlling hunger, which obviously affects your metabolism and your weight loss. The way that avocados improve what nutrients you are getting from a meal helps you to control your hunger and lose weight faster. Plus, since they contain so much water they keep you hydrated which is also an important part of the metabolic process.
You Get Better Insulin Control
Another major factor in metabolism is the glucose levels in your body. Insulin is extremely powerful, removing any excess glucose so that you don’t suffer from serious problems.
If there is excess glucose it can be stored in the liver and in your muscle tissue, but after filling those areas up as much as possible, insulin removes the glucose to fat cells. This storage can lead to low blood sugar, which not only can lead to diabetes but also makes you want carbs, which is detrimental to your weight loss
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