2nd of January, 2017, and the socmedsphere (social media sphere) woke up to the news of an advert that reads; ‘Don’t Kill Your Wife, It’s Our Job’. There was bedlam!
Ok, take a deep breath…
Ever heard of Dryclean USA? Now imagine a Lagos version of it, scaled to international best practice standards, automated equipment, exquisite service, prime customer care; and you have Dryclean Lagos; a premium brand dedicated to utmost professional delivery in the garment care industry.
With the interest of the society at heart, Dryclean Lagos has been offering services which include free washes for pupils’ uniforms, free washes for security uniforms, amidst loads of incentives; gifts; discounts; etc.
This is the extraordinary company behind the ad; which rightly translates to; “you do not need to hinder your wife’s productivity in different capacities with cumbersome garment care, leave it to Dryclean Lagos”
It’s the 21st century and the ladies earn to support the family. Dear wives, kindly ask the men to take all laundry care to Dryclean Lagos, so you can do your jobs…

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